Terms and conditions

handy shipping guide terms and conditionsThe Handy Shipping Guide Ltd. is a privately owned company with no affiliation to any other company or companies within the Freight or Haulage industries. The guide is intended to make freely available connections within the Freight and associated industries to assist users in any aspect of logistics.

All material entered in the guide is based on information received from those working within the various sectors. No responsibility can be taken for incorrect information, which has been published by us in good faith. It is recommended that, should they have any doubts or concerns regarding suppliers listed in any of the categories, the user check with the various certification bodies, trade guilds etc. responsible for monitoring that particular section of the industry for confirmation of the suppliers status.

Contributors to any publication or site owned and/or maintained by The Handy Shipping Guide Ltd. (known hereafter as HSG) should only put forward for publication material of any type for which they hold the copyright or for which they have permission from the copyright holder/s to freely publish.

HSG can bear no responsibility for breach of copyright for any material received and subsequently published by them in the belief that the copyright holder or their appointee has freely submitted the material for publication.

HSG can bear no responsibility for the veracity of any claims, comments, statements etc. made by contributors to the guide.

HSG cannot accept any responsibility for problems associated with companies listed in any section of the guide. Should any user have problems associated with any company listed in the guide we should certainly like to be informed immediately.

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