Thursday, August 31, 2017

Your Chance to Have a Say on Women in Transport and Logistics

Lack of Female Role Models Investigated by everywoman
Shipping News Feature
UK – The transport and logistics industry continues to be heavily gender weighted with many more men than women in key roles and now you have a chance to express your opinion with a new survey from the everywoman organisation. Whether you are involved with the ocean carriage of freight, road haulage or even driving a bus, everywoman wants to know your views.

Taking only around 5 minutes to complete the survey will indicate to everywoman, which seeks to equalise the gender gap throughout industry, if the current lack of female role models impedes the attraction, retention and development of women in the sector. So far 82% of respondents feel that way so don’t hesitate to let them know your position.

The short research poll can be completed using this link.