Friday, July 3, 2009

Rail Crash Firm Banned

Safety Questions to be Answered
Shipping News Feature

ITALY - GATX Corp. has been suspended from carry freight by Italy’s state rail authority following an accident on the night of the 29th of June in which 19 people were killed. The ban shall remain in force until GATX provides “certified information and clarification on components used” on its rolling stock.

The accident occurred in the Tuscan city of Viareggio when a rail tank ruptured after derailing and spilled Liquid Petroleum Gas in a neighbourhood adjoining the train station. The resulting explosion demolished several residencies and also injured some 30 people.

The rail cars involved in the incident were operated by GATX Rail Austria, a subsidiary of the Chicago based firm. In a statement GATX Rail Europe says that they are “…deeply saddened by the tragic derailment that occurred in Viareggio. GATX Rail Europe is cooperating with the appropriate authorities and at this time, full details regarding the cause of the derailment are not yet known.”