Vessels that opt to burn HFO in their auxiliary engines, boilers and other ancillary equipment must make the transition to light fuel operation at least two hours prior to the scheduled pilot time for their Canal transit. Vessels will be deemed ready for Canal transit only when the changeover to light fuel has been completed and all systems are operating only on distillate fuel.
Any ship that arrives at Canal waters with the sole intention to visit either the Pacific or Atlantic port terminal and will not transit the Canal may be allowed to proceed to and from the port terminal on heavy fuel, including the main propulsion engines. These vessels will not be subject to the fuel changeover requirement.
All vessels that arrive with the intention of transiting must record the fuel changeover in their engine room logbook and/or fuel oil changeover logbook. The logbook entries must specify the date and time of commencement and ending of the changeover from HFO to light fuel, as well as the sulphur content of fuels.
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