UK - Next week sees a two day UK Infrastructure Conference (
UKICE) at the home of the Institution of Civil Engineers in London to review and discuss the latest updates to the National Infrastructure Plan and the impact of the Chancellor’s Autumn statement on major projects throughout the country. The event has already attracted more than 200 delegates and 47 speakers from Government and those others involved but it is important for the road and rail freight haulage lobby to monitor and comment on the situation.
The conference will examine the new model of PFI and government guarantees. It will also examine how to support local projects and to deliver them on time and under budget. The event is designed as a platform for asset owners, businesses and leading experts to meet with central and local governments, as well as infrastructure investors to discuss and source solutions for prioritisation, procurement and presentation of existing and future infrastructure projects across the country.
Many of the projects under discussion will have repercussions for Britain’s freight industry but speakers do not include any representatives from the sector. Senior figures who will speak represent projects including HS2, Crossrail, Birmingham Airport, the Thames Tideway Project, and the Olympic Park along with those involved in funding. Others include HM Treasury, Government departments and the regulators OFGEM and OFCOM, Network Rail, National Grid, and the Highways Agency, as well as representatives from the 39 regional Local Economic Partnerships and the Welsh Assembly. Stanislava Blagoeva, Managing Director of UKICE, said:
"Coming at the same time as the Chancellor’s Autumn statement the conference will prove an invaluable forum for those responsible for implementing and taking decisions on all aspects of the UK’s infrastructure big and small. UKICE is the only event where asset owners meet with industry regulators, government officials and main contractors, as well as infrastructure investors and financiers from all over the world."
The UK’s main contractors will be present along with representatives from the financial side including Morgan Stanley, the Pension Corporation, Barclays Infrastructure Fund, Legal and General IM, Siemens Financial Services, HG Capital, Green Investment Bank, European Investment Bank, Hadrian’s Wall Capital, Inderst Advisory, China Development Bank, the Pension Protection Fund and Altra Capital.
The conference details are available on our
Events Page or
HERE whilst the full list of Speakers can be seen