Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Logistics And Transport Body Welcomes Investment

UK to See More Adult Apprenticeships
Shipping News Feature

UK – On a day when most people were scanning the financial details of the Governments public spending review and the implication for jobs in all sectors, the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT) has welcomed the announcement of a £250 million a year increase in funding for adult apprenticeships to 2014-15. CILT represent their 18,000 members and lobby for individuals and organisations involved in all disciplines, modes and aspects of logistics and transport.

In a recent CILT member survey on higher education and apprenticeships, results revealed that the top priority for 52 per cent of members who responded, was to encourage jointly funded Government/industry initiatives to increase apprenticeships. And 41 per cent said that current apprenticeship funding must be reserved in order to provide for the forthcoming skills shortages which had been identified, such as HGV drivers and warehouse personnel.

Recently the Institute wrote directly to the Business Secretary, Vince Cable, calling for a significant increase in apprenticeships. Now CILT Chief Executive Steve Agg says:

‘We are pleased that the Government has listened to our views and acknowledged the need for a skilled workforce. We now look forward to seeing some of this money being ring-fenced for passenger and logistics apprenticeship schemes and will be making further representations to the Department for Business to ensure this happens.’

Apprentices, 1906. Photo: Courtesy Potrero Hill Archive Project San Francisco