UK – It’s 2011 and, as we herald in the New Year, specialist training company Novadata ask us to remind readers not to forget their responsibilities to workforce, transport authorities and not least – the Public. Freight haulage drivers these days need qualifications and as Novadata’s website points out drivers of vehicles over 3.5 tonnes (less than 3.5 tonnes for ADR regulations) are responsible under the law in ways that go far beyond that of any other profession.
Employers also have legally enforceable responsibilities for the training and actions of their drivers. Understanding and implementing the law is a joint responsibility and failure to do either could result in prosecution in court or the suspension/loss of the Operating Licence at a Public Inquiry. A properly prepared training structure ensures that management, as well as drivers and other staff, understand their responsibilities.
Rules governing drivers can change in the subtlest of ways, for example rules covering the time allowed to produce a licence after an offence just reduced from a year to 28 days, the sort of thing someone in any logistics company’s transport office should know. Failing to do so could result in criminal prosecution, employing a driver with an invalid licence could see a company facing corporate manslaughter charges in the case of a fatal accident.
From management and driver CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) training to courses for first aid and handling hazardous goods, make sure your list of New Year resolutions include a suitable training timetable for all relevant staff.
Photo: Courtesy of Scania
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