Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Freight Industry Comes Together To Discuss Training and Road Haulage Matters

European and Canadian Delegates Praise Safety and Innovation
Shipping News Feature

UK – Thursday 1st December will see twenty six European and Canadian delegates gather in the picturesque setting of the HMS President at Victoria Embankment on the Thames in London. The event is the first time in seven years that the UK has hosted the EuroTra Winter General Assembly hosted by the European Transport Training Association (EuroTra)and is aimed specifically at the needs of the freight and logistics sector particularly with regard to the problems of the road haulage industry discussing topics such as driver shortages, retention of drivers and the impact of initial and periodic training in Europe.

The following day will see speakers such as Glen Davies and Dan Evanson of Transport for London, Lisa Lavia of the Noise Abatement Society and Natalie Chapman of the Freight Transport Association (FTA) speaking on the Freight Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS), night-time deliveries and the 2012 London Olympics all subjects particularly close to the hearts of anyone involved in a supply chain including the streets of the Capital.

In addition EuroTra President James Tillyer, from FTA's consultancy team, who will be chairing both meetings, will be presenting this year’s EuroTra Safety and Innovation Award to Peter Larner of Suckling Transport Ltd. The Essex-based fuel distributor’s use of driver performance data to identify the specific training requirements of its 150+ drivers, along with specialist training for six in-house trainer/drivers yielded them top prize in this annual international competition.Upon hearing of the award Peter Larner, Managing Director of Suckling Transport, said:

“Safety has been the top priority since Suckling Transport began to specialise in the distribution of fuel 25 years ago. Significant sales growth has now produced a company that delivers nearly two billion litres of inflammable liquid in the UK each year. So, safety is an integral part of the business. But, in a sector dominated by multi-national logistics providers, an SME like Suckling Transport, needs to stand out. And what better way to differentiate itself than through an innovative approach to road safety.

“The key is to make training work for you. Our use of telematics data to highlight areas of concern has informed our training requirements. The benefits are abundantly clear from subsequent improvements to our accident frequency and severity performance, with the added bonus being a significant reduction in our insurance premiums.”

EuroTra is made up of more than 20 leading training organisations and represents 14 countries from across Europe. The main focus of activities is on the development and training of human resources, the promotion of road safety and enhancing the public image of the transport and logistics sector. At a time when the take up for DCPC qualification is seemingly falling short plus the extra pressures on haulage operators during the forthcoming Olympics and the added concerns regarding things like the Low Emission Zone, the sessions should prove a lively forum.

For anyone wishing to find out more about the events further information can be obtained from the FTA media team on 01892 552255/01892 552253 or by e mail from jtillyer@fta.co.uk