Monday, April 15, 2013

Freight Forwarders and Logistics Providers Must Inform Themselves of Proscribed Exports

New Government List of Goods Requiring a Licence is More Comprehensive Than Ever
Shipping News Feature

UK – WORLDWIDE – Once upon a time any proscribed exports of a military nature must have comprised a very short list. Unfortunately we now live in a different world and the latest Government document, the UK military list of items that require export authorisation (viewable HERE) is a different creature altogether. With the recent spate of cases involving freight forwarders and road haulage operators any logistics professional should be aware of the potential pitfalls of shipping any materials whose use may be unfamiliar to them.

The twenty eight pages of the list almost immediately begin with a glossary of terms that reads more like a pharmacists shopping list and also covers topics and materials as diverse as robots and lighter than air vehicles to the more traditional gases and munitions.

The latest list, published toward the end of March is a must read if any new or established customer declares something which the freight forwarder or carrier deems capable of dubious, or indeed multiple uses. The authorities have long taken the line of guilty until proven innocent where shippers and their agents have supplied illegal items to overseas clients whilst at the investigative stage of a potential prosecution and, in the current climate, forwarders particularly should ensure that they not only know the character of their customers but the precise nature and uses of the goods they are exporting.