Thursday, November 4, 2010

European Import Cargo Customs Regulations Assistance Available

Control System Compliance Date Moves Closer
Shipping News Feature

EUROPE – After the concerns expressed by the United Kingdom Warehousing Association (UKWA) covered in our story two days ago over the introduction of the introduction of the Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS) comes news for those operators worried by the implementation of the new ICS (Import Control System) on the 1st January 2011 as French company MGI (Marseille Gyptis International ) tell us all freight forwarders and shipping agents, fleet owners, NVOCC operators and importers can use their M-customs solutions package to ensure they comply.

M-customs was developed by MGI and was the first to receive global ICS certification on 4 February 2010 under number ICS-001. M-customs is available online in English and requires no specific training, and can be used by any operator anywhere in the world. English tutorials are available on the portal to facilitate mastery of the solution. As declarations have to be sent in EDI mode, M-customs allows companies who do not have EDI to fill in the information via a data-entry form.

Alain Perez, IT Manager and M-customs Project Manager commented:

“We designed the M-customs solution to facilitate the implementation of ICS for the operators subject to these new regulations. All companies obliged to make ‘security’ declarations can be immediately operational thanks to its integration capacities and accessibility.”

Two months before the regulations come into force, operators can already send their ICS declarations to the IT system of the French Customs Authority via M-customs in order to be fully operational on 1st January 2011. Interested parties can download an informative M-customs brochure from the company website.