Specifically, attending delegates will learn what the port is doing to make it easier and quicker for vehicles to meet booking times instead of being parked up. Attendees will hear how Calais and other ports authorities are streamlining efforts to increase driver and goods security whilst queuing to get into ports and reduce the risk of contamination and tampering, and how the port is planning on increasing transporter and customer confidence to go about business and get goods to market on time.
Deputy Secretary General, Gilles Debove will also bring forward the Calais Police Union's strategy on mitigating against migrant crisis disruption to ports, terminals & cross border freight services and, in the light of more freight being diverted to Dunkirk over the past couple of months, Eric Sorel, Chief Harbour Master, Port Of Dunkirk presents a case study on security developments there.
The migrant situation is of course even graver, given the amount of deaths, in the Mediterranean and David Attard, Head of Maritime Security Compliance Monitoring Units (Ports), for the Maltese Government Transport Department is to present a case study on the ports of Malta and how they are meeting the challenge of port security in view of the current migrant storm there.
Other giving their views will include UK Immigration Minister James Brokenshire plus representatives from vested interests such as John Keefe of Eurotunnel, and others from road and rail freight outfits including Ceva, DB Schenker, Europa Worldwide, GB Railfreight and the TT Club.
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