Friday, August 22, 2014

Container Shipping Witnesses Yet Another Freight Sharing Agreement

French Giant Jumps into Bed with Asian Rivals
Shipping News Feature

FRANCE – ASIA – AUSTRALIA – NEW ZEALAND – French container giant CMA CGM, one third of the recently ill-fated P3 route sharing scheme, has announced a co-operation agreement with some of the Asia’s biggest shipping companies, China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL), Orient Overseas Container Lines (OOCL) and Pacific International Lines (PIL), to service routes in the North East Asia, Australia and New Zealand Trade, commencing from Shanghai in early of November. This week saw the other two potential P3 partners, Maersk and MSC, confirming the commencement of their own 2M vessel sharing agreement.

The new service will be operated with 7 vessels of 4,250 TEU nominal capacity, of which 3 vessels will be provided by CMA CGM, 2 vessels by OOCL and 1 vessel each by CSCL and PIL. It will be replacing the current ‘ANZEX’ / ‘NZN’ service operated by CMA CGM & OOCL.

The weekly service will turn around in 49 days offering an extensive port coverage in Asia and New Zealand and including a stop in Australian port on her way from Asia, the full port rotation and phase in plan will be confirmed by end of the month once final arrangements are made. The Lines aims to provide their customers with direct, reliable and competitive service to both southbound and northbound legs through this cooperation.