Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Central Online Points Now Available to Get Daily Freight and Passenger Updates for Air Travel

Information Being Continually Updated to Offer Current Picture
Shipping News Feature

WORLDWIDE – With the Coronavirus decimating travel, particularly with suspension or reduction of freight and passenger flights, and the different regulations regarding arrival at each country, the picture regarding individual points of departure and destinations has been extremely confusing, with no central register where one could gain intelligence on the precise, current nature of the situation.

For the past few weeks the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has been issuing individual notifications about changes in operations of airlines, airports and other aviation partners caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Until now there was no centralised point where all this information was being captured. As a result, IATA has been working to collect this information directly from its members and other sources to ensure the information could be made more easily available.

Three separate sites have now been constructed, all of which are updated daily to ensure current information is displayed. The sites, all linked here, are:

An even larger suite of resources for industry professionals is available on a dedicated web page and IATA says, although it cannot guarantee absolute accuracy due the constantly changing situation, the details given on all pages are being confirmed by its staff whenever and wherever possible and certainly many readers will find any or all of the sites of use in the coming days as in some regions things begin to resume some sort of normality, but with the pace of change widely varying around the globe.