Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Campaign Highlights Jobs for Women in the Forgotten or Ignored Maritime Industry

Stakeholders and Ministry Set Out to Change the View of the Marine Sector
Shipping News Feature
UK – Maritime UK, working alongside the Department for Transport (DfT) and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) have a launched a new 'Maritime and Me' campaign to profile women in maritime and encourage girls to join the sector.

The DfT are funding the industry project which has been created in response to the Maritime 2050 strategy recommendation that: ‘Government will fund the production of the ‘people like me’ maritime industry project to help address the perception of the industry and demonstrate how we can effectively showcase its value to a wider diversity of people’.

The project has two elements. The first is guidance aimed at improving gender diversity in maritime recruitment and the second is a public campaign designed to promote maritime careers to a wider diversity of people, which will be branded ‘Maritime and Me’.

The focus is on the public Maritime and Me campaign, which Maritime UK, DFT, and ICS are working with WISE, a community interest company to deliver. WISE, originally formed as Women into Science and Engineering, has a generic MySkillsMyLife online quiz for girls to show them what personality types they are and work areas they might be suited to. When a user completes the quiz, it identifies those areas and gives examples, in the form of case studies, of roles across all sectors that might apply. This project will develop a maritime specific quiz/teaching pack including supporting case studies.

The campaign will highlight women working in a wide and diverse range of roles in the various industries within the maritime sector, ideally candidates will have recently completed training or are in the early to mid-stages of their careers.

To express your interest in being featured in the Maritime and Me campaign, complete this form, and send to Linn Vardheim at