CHINA – US – Boeing lead the way in production of commercial airplanes and the US based company have been enthusiastically employing Chinese skills for some time in the production of the world’s fleets. Currently there are more than 5,700 Boeing airplanes flying throughout the world with parts and assemblies built by China. China has a role on all of the Boeing commercial airplane models – 737, 747, 767, 777, and the newest and most innovative airplane, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Now that Chinese cargo markets lead the world Boeing believe Chinese air freight carriers will more than treble in les than twenty years. This equates to the purchase of around three hundred and thirty new cargo planes and Boeing are justly proud of their long-standing partnership with their Chinese partners.
Each year Boeing start afresh and produce their industry forecasts detailing demand for both passenger and cargo planes, the company also projects the demand for conversion of passenger airplanes to freighters. Boeing claim that their previous predictions for global traffic growth have proved to be conservative, underestimating traffic levels by 10 – 15% but their forecasts of airplane market share by size of airplane have proved to be admirably accurate.
Worldwide, Boeing projects investments of $3.6 trillion for 30,900 new commercial airplanes to be delivered during the next 20 years. Boeing have shared the information produced since 1964 and those interested in reading the entire list of long term market predictions can do so HERE.
Photo: A converted MD-11BCF freighter from the Aeroflot fleet (courtesy of Boeing).
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